5 Best Free Social Media Content Creation Tools For Your Business In 2021

Tools of the Trade: 5 Free Content Creation Tools

  1. Canva

    Canva has a pro plan but the free plan is good enough.

    No need to learn how to design a social media graphic post using Photoshop because Canva has thousands of free templates that you can use.

    Drag and drop photos and videos in these templates and you’ll have images ready for upload in just minutes.

  2. Creator Studio

    This is a native tool within Facebook so everything’s FREE!

    Creator Studio allows you to schedule posts on Facebook and Instagram. You can upload photos, videos, stories and even IGTV episodes here.

  3. Hootsuite

    Hootsuite is another social media scheduling app.

    I love its dashboard, which gives me a glance on what’s happening on my Facebook and Instagram account.

    You can connect YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter in Hootsuite but you’ll be limited to connecting only 2 social media accounts with your free plan.

  4. Tweetdeck

    Tweetdeck is like Hootsuite for Twitter.

    You can customize your dashboard and streams of tweets so you can have an overview of conversations that matter to your business.

  5. Social Media Content Calendar

    What good is Canva, Hootsuite, Creator Studio, and Tweetdeck if you don’t know what to post, right?

    A social media content calendar can help you organize your content ideas in one place and create captions with it.

    If you don’t want to create your social media calendar from scratch, you can download my social media content calendar for free here.

Bonus Tool: Your smartphone.

I use an iPhone 7 Plus and it’s my portable computer. I can take it wherever I go and easily snap photos and film videos with it.

Content creation shouldn’t always be about making fancy images. A simple photo and video will do the trick.

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