5 Common Social Media Myths That Are Hurting Your Business

We are going to debunk 5 of the most common social media myths that are hurting your business.

Myth 1: My customers are not on social media.

There are really some people who are not actively checking on their social media but the majority of the people around the world is using social media.

Most people who believe in this have failed in marketing their business and brand on social media because they might be marketing on the wrong platform.

Watch this training right here to learn how to promote your business properly using social media.

Myth 2: Always post about your offer.

No! Don’t follow this advice.

It is okay to promote your offer, products, or services on your social media feed but don’t do it every single time.

Vary your post and make sure to add more value to your followers’ and customers’ lives on social media.

Myth 3: Social media is not for B2B.

Social media is a free platform where you can promote your brand and market your products or services.

You need to have a solid social media marketing strategy that is customized for your business needs. This video explains why copying another business’ strategy WILL NOT WORK for you. Check it out here.

Myth 4: You need to be on social media 24/7.

Who told you this?

You don’t need to be “always-on” on social media. Automating some of your business processes will help you answer inquiries without being physically present or even scheduling your posts ahead of time.

You can start planning your social media content in advance here and download my FREE social media content calendar template here. Consider this as my gift to you because you’re here and I love entrepreneurs who are into learning new skills for their businesses.

Myth 5: You need a big team to handle your social media marketing.

There is a time for this but as a creative solopreneur, this might be something that is not an option right now for you, right?

Don’t believe this.

You can totally rock social media for your business without hiring a social media manager or a graphic designer.

Bonus myth!

Myth 6: Social media is only for brand awareness and not for sales.

Nope! You can use social media not just to create brand awareness for your business but it can also be your number sales tool.

I’ve taught how to sell on social media in a previous workshop that I did last year but you can get the mini-course here.

Related articles:

How To Plan Social Media Content For Your Online Business In One Hour Or Less

5 Tips On How To Effectively Use Social Media In Your Business

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