5 Tips On How To Effectively Use Social Media In Your Business

Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I use social media to promote my business?”

If you’re using social media for the first time, it might feel intimidating and scary. You don’t know where and how to start.

In today’s free social media marketing training, I will give you 5 pro social media marketing tips so you can promote your products, services, and offers in your business.

Tip #1: Know Your Social Media Goals

Social media goals are things you want to get in exchange for your time in creating content on social media.

Here are some questions that will help you:

  1. Do you want more people to know you?
  2. Is increasing your sale a priority?
  3. How many referrals do you want to get this month?

Knowing what you want to get out of social media will help you craft the RIGHT strategy for your business.

Pro Tip: Your social media goals should align with your business goals. They are your business goals translated into the social media world.

Don’t know how to set business goals? This video will teach you how to achieve your goals in 7 easy steps.

Tip #2: Know where your customers are hanging out.

Don’t spread yourself too thin by being on EVERY social media platform there is.

Focus on 1 to 2 platforms and serve your customers there.

Pro Tip: Ask your customers where they spend their time more. That will give you the RIGHT data on where to actually spend your time in creating content for them.

Tip #3: Know what offer to highlight

Hundreds of products mean posting about them every day, right?

Don’t do that.

People don’t like seeing ads. They tend to skip anything that feels like an ad. You don’t want your potential customers scrolling up and ignoring your posts, right?

Pro Tip: Highlight 1 to 2 offers or products at the most every month. This will give more room for tip #4.

Tip 4: Add value to your customers’ lives.

You’re not on social media JUST TO SELL. If that’s your ONLY goal, you won’t be successful in social media marketing.

Even multinational companies and brands that ONLY SELLS have low engagement rates. This means that they have to PAY so their customers will see their posts.

Pro Tip: Adding value is as simple as inspiring your followers. Post a quote that will brighten up their day.

You can post topics about your niche that will help solve a problem WITHOUT trying to sell anything.

They will love you more for doing this. Thank me later.

Tip #5: Be consistent on social media.

They say, “Content is king.”

I agree and disagree at the same time.


No matter how great your content is, if you’re not consistent, your customers will forget about you. They will buy from your competitor because they are more consistent on social media.

If you need help with creating consistent social media content for your business, here’s a video training for you. You can then download my FREE social media calendar to help you plan your content ahead of time.

I have a bonus tip for you and it’s in the training above. Make sure to watch until the end so you can catch more social media marketing tips for your business.

Want to get updates on my upcoming social media training? Make sure to join my video training list here.

I will personally email you what’s coming ahead and other tips and hacks to grow your online business.

P.S. If you want to learn how to attract your IDEAL CLIENTS, get MORE LEADS, generate MORE SALES, and grow your online business, I’m inviting you to join my Social Media & Business Blueprint.

It’s a 12-week group coaching program. We will dive deep into creating an irresistible online brand with raving customers. With this, you’ll develop the RIGHT social media strategy for your business. By the end of the program, you’ll be able to use social media as your #1 sales and marketing tool in your business.

My Social Media & Business Blueprint is currently on a waitlist. If this is something that you need in your business, apply here.

Related articles:

How To Set And Achieve Your 2021 Business Goals

How To Plan Social Media Content For Your Online Business In One Hour Or Less

How To Reach More Customers And Sell More On Social Media

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