How To Find Your Purpose In Business By Answering 1 Question

I want to give you a sneak peek inside the Social Media Blueprint Coaching Program.



It’s my coaching program, where I help business owners in finding their voice, building their brand online, attracting their ideal clients, and increasing their sales just by using an evergreen approach on their social media marketing without spending on ads.



The usual path to being an entrepreneur or a business owner looks like this:



1. You have an idea.

2. You look for a way to fund your idea.

3. You register a business.

4. You become obsessed in making profit—lots of it!



But for what?



Why is it important to you to make your idea come to life?


Why do you want to have a business?


Why do you want to make a profit?





Finding your “why” in business should be the first thing you should do before you even look for funds and fill out papers to register your business.



Defining your why is your company’s soul. It is that ONE THING that will keep your business intact—no matter what the challenges are.



This is the first module inside the Social Media Blueprint Coaching Program.



During our Kick Off Session last Monday, I asked my students this question:





Why are you in business?




Then, there was silence.



It’s the first time in their life as a business owner that someone asks them about this and I understand why.



Someone said it was because they want to provide a comfortable life for their kids.



Someone said they’re in business because they want to save up in time for their retirement.



Someone said they’re doing business because they want to make profit.



While these answers are valid, it’s not their TRUE why—it’s not their TRUE purpose.



In this podcast episode, I want you to be on the same journey with my students.



Find your why by using a method that I call “The Unlimited Why“.



Fill in the blanks.



I want to   (goal)   because    (reason)   .



Go over this statement and ask yourself why as many times as you can until you can’t answer “Why” anymore.


This is one way for you to dig deep into your conscious mind. 


If you can’t continue anymore, that’s your why!


Once you figure that out, it will be your foundation. 


It will be THE ONLY THING that matters to you and to your business.


So, go find your purpose.


P.S. If you enjoy this podcast, follow The Sai Montes Show on Spotify and Apple Podcast. 



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