Social Media Content Plan: How To Plan Your Posts

Use a social media content plan before publishing anything on your social media pages.

I see most entrepreneurs and business owners, who are doing social media marketing on their own, fail to plan the things that they want to publish. They tend to post a lot in a week or a month but they easily run out of ideas on what to post. Without planning, this will really happen.

Why is planning important?

Planning your content ahead of time keeps you organized. It will give you a better sense of direction on what you need to post on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, or whatever social media platform you’re using for your business.

What tool do you need to plan your content?

The best tool to plan your posts is a social media content calendar. It’s specifically made to keep your social media posts organized on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Having this tool gives you an instant overview of your social media activities and posting frequency on different platforms. 

How to make a social media calendar?

It doesn’t have to be very complicated. A social media calendar can be as simple as a spreadsheet. I’ve tried so many social media calendar tools online through the years but I always go back to my good old spreadsheet. I have more control on how it looks and how it functions based on what I need.  

When I started my career in digital marketing, I cram a lot trying to research and design posts for clients each day until I started thinking ahead on what I need to publish, what’s the message that goes with it, and how will the entire post will look like. This saved me so much time! My every day struggle in creating content became easier just by planning and using a content calendar.


Let me save you more time here.

I want to share with you my social media secret weapon that I’ve been using for 11 years and counting. Just fill out the form below so I know where to send my calendar. Consider this a gift because you took the time in watching my video above or reading this article.

To save you even more time, I also shared in my video above about I Support Local.

What is I Support Local?

I Support Local is a social media platform and tool for entrepreneurs, business owners, and content creators like you that I personally developed.

It’s a social media calendar but even better!

I know how much time is required in researching about what to post, thinking about what to say on your captions, and planning and moving things around in your social media calendar.

I Support Local gives you daily social media prompts with content ideas on what you can post every day. No need to research and plan this on your own because everything’s already done for you.

It’s a membership site that also provides social media post templates for  your wall, feed, or story.

It’s currently at its beta stage but I’m already working with a small group of  people inside I Support Local, where we have a private Facebook and Viber community as a way for me to guide them in their social media marketing every day. A group coaching will also be available to all members monthly.

Become a Founding Member

I am personally inviting you to join us inside I Support Local. I’m looking for 50 founding members, who I will personally coach and help in implementing the right social media strategies to grow your business. 

Since I Support Local is still at it’s beta stage, there will be improvements needed to make it serve you better.

As a founding member, you will be helping me build it with features that you think is needed. 

The membership fee is only $29 per month or $239 per year. This fee will definitely increase soon but,  as a founding member, you will still pay for this price forever—as long as you’re a continuing member. This is a first come, first serve basis though. I’ll be closing this offer as soon as the 50 founding members is complete. 

See you inside I Support Local!

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